Well, I am finally joining the blogging world! We will see how long this lasts. I am a wife to Stephen (a blonde hunk- seriously) that I don't know how I managed to snatch. My daughter Madeline is 3 1/2 and my son Jackson is almost 6 months. They are both redheaded like me so my hubby is outnumbered. I have a feeling that any blog that I write that is remotely entertaining will involve my daughter. She is the princess of the house and I have a feeling that she will convince Jackson of that as well. I stay at home with my children and would not change it for anything. I was raised in the church of Christ but since my son has been born, I have not been very much and my heart is feeling the loss. I know I should be there and I have actually packed my kids up on 2 or 3 separate occasions (by myself) only to turn around and come back because we were stopped by a train or something and were not going to make it even close to on time. No excuses though- I know my kids should be there and my daughter throughly enjoys Bible class. I hope to connect with other Christians through this blog because I am encouraged daily by some of the blogs I read by Christians. So I guess my first post is about my guilty conscience! I seems like the longer I stay away, the easier it is, but of course the harder my heart becomes. My dream is for my son and daughter to one day become Christians, and for their children to do the same, and so on and so on. If my grandmother had not taken me to church, I would have never gone and I am very grateful to her. Enough rambling, it is time get myself straight.............